Music education not only provides children with a terrific healthy outlet for self-expression, it enhances creativity and boosts self-esteem. There are a number of ways for parents to help their child receive quality education in music, starting as young as birth. The most important thing is to expose your child to a variety of music, including several different genres, not just classical or kid's music.
Sing songs to your infant each day. Fun, repetitive songs with movements or motions are best and as your child gets older, you can encourage her to join in. By the toddler years, your little one can dance along with music. Continue to sing simple silly songs with your toddler and dance together to a variety of songs, both upbeat and slow. Toys, like the Baby Einstein Learning Sounds Piano, will allow your toddler to create her own beats and songs.
Preschool age children can begin to differentiate between tones and pitches. Play games to pick which note is higher and which is lower. Introduce your preschooler to the specific sounds made by various instruments as well. Continue to listen to many different types of music with your preschooler and discuss how various pieces make you and our child feel.
Make musical instruments with your preschooler and play them together. Shakers are easy to make out of ordinary household items. Attach two paper plates together with a hole puncher and yarn or cover the ends of a toilet paper tube with construction paper and fill either with dry beans or rice. A coffee can and lid can be used as a drum. Have fun and use your imagination to create your own family band.
You may want to start formal music education with music lessons at this age. Discuss how various instruments are played and allow your child to choose the one he would like to learn. Visit a symphony or orchestra performance to investigate the various instruments. Piano lessons are typically best for this age because your child will learn to read and play music without having to remember difficult fingering techniques.
Every organization strives to achieve a high reputation and music schools are no different. In fact, being responsible for the future of young talents, it is of utmost importance to have a teaching staff that is highly qualified and professionalized to provide music education to children. The director checks the credentials of a teacher even before interviewing him/her.
Moreover, teachers at music schools have a healthy competition going on among themselves. Teachers sit together during a cup of coffee or over lunch and discuss issues and methods of music education every day. After concerts and tests, they discuss about the progress of each student. It's quite a vibrant and enthusiastic atmosphere in the teachers' room and this helps the younger teachers learn new things from the experienced ones. Opinions and views are exchanged and a lot of useful information about working with children is brought forth all the time. Students benefit from this as the teachers constantly improve upon their methods of music education by interacting among themselves. The performance and reputation of each teacher is monitored, and therefore they must strive to achieve excellence in how to interact with parents of the students, with the principal, and with each other.
Private music teachers too have and unspoken competition going on among themselves in terms of teaching methods and professionalism, but they meet on far lesser occasions than those at music school.
Many parents seem to think that their child only needs to take lessons, and these can be taken from private music teachers. But this view is correct only if they want their child to learn for a maximum of four or five years.
If parents think that the music lessons will be taught better and more efficiently by private teachers, it shows that they have no idea of the vast benefits that music education at music schools has to offer. Moreover, as I stated in one of my previous articles, the IQ of children increases only if they study several music subjects, which is possible only at music schools. This is because you need an expert to teach each one of these subjects!
The environment of music education is one of the important constituents of music education. When kids are small, they look up to their parents as the authoritative figures. When they grow older into teenagers, they consider their friends and schoolmates as the authority. This natural phenomenon needs to be considered seriously! Before the age of 12, you as parents are the most influential figures in the children's life. Afterward, they will have more people in life to look up to, and have certain goals and aspirations.
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