Young children just love music and often it is through music that young children communicate for the first time, whether it be through gesture, smiling or action.
There is a growing amount of evidence to show that music enhances a childs ability to think, learn, reason and create and it is in the first five years of a child's life that all of the formative brain development and connections are being formed. Music brain researcher, Dr Gordon Shaw describes music as "a window into higher brain Function".Here are three compelling reasons why we should be sending our children to music lessons while they are young.
Neurologiacal Research indicates that because music involves ratio's, fractions, and thinking in space and in time that it provides learning not only for foundation musical learning,but also learning for foundation math learning being a pre requisite to learning both these subjects at higher levels.
Music brings people together. It is understood that before modern technology, live music was a natural form of entertainment, and people were considered accomplished when they learned to play instruments. Music can create a good atmosphere and encourage a good mood that relaxes people whether they are actively listening to it or not. That is part of the reason why it is ideal for parties, weddings, funerals, and other such gatherings.In a study carried out by Debby Mitchell at the University Of Central Florida it was found that young children with developed rhythm skills perform better academically in early school years.
Research has showed that music can affect brain cells and some types can even improve intelligence. It's mood enhancer is a well known fact and taking the advantage of these effects of music an alternative therapy has emerged which believes in curing many ailments through music.
The power of music rests in the fact that it is understood intuitively hence it is a common language for the entire human race. No reason or logic or any kind of intellect required to listen to music. Even animals respond to it. Crying babies calm down when made to hear soft music.
Music is commonly used in psychological healing. Various psychological disorders like acute depression, schizophrenia, panic and anxiety disorders are said to benefit from music. The treatment for severe developmental disorder known as Autism which commonly affects children in the age group of 0 to 3 years also uses music as part of therapy.
Patients recovering from brain injuries have also known to benefit through music. Since when we listen to music we are only focusing on the sound and hardly using the brain we reach a different state of consciousness where the mind is completely relaxed and rested and at this stage the therapists start the healing process. Individuals can benefit tremendously when they meditate concentrating.
It must be mentioned that not all music is healing and also the correct environment has to be created for it to be effective. You cannot lock somebody in a room and make them listen to loud music for treatment. There are times that the military uses music at high decibels for psychological warfare. Since music is understood differently by different people the same music cannot be used for therapy for all.
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